Journal publications
- Senthil Kumar P, V. Raghavan, T. Sundararajan, The effects of grids on the near-field evolution of turbulence in a low-Reynolds number jet,
Physics of Fluids, 27(11), 2015.
- Senthil Kumar P, V. Raghavan, T. Sundararajan, Experimental study of burning of methanol fed porous spheres in grid generated turbulent field,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114, 2017.
- Rohit Khare, Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, V. Raghavan, K. Narayanaswamy, A comprehensively validated compact mechanism for dimethyl ether oxidation: an experimental and computational study,
Combustion and Flame, 196, 116-128, 2018.
- Kabilan Baskaran, Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, Abhijit Dhamanekar, K. Srinivasan, Effects of passive grids on pipe and orifice jet noise,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 435, 218-233, 2018.
- Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, Sam Dehaeck, Alexey Rednikov, Pierre Colinet, Controlling the wetting and evaporation dynamics of non-ideal volatile binary solutions,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 592, 319-328, 2021.
- Claudia Esposito, Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, Alexey Rednikov, Pierre Colinet, On the Impact of Ambient Humidity and Evaporation on Demixing of Binary Mixtures,
Langmuir, 39(29), 9980-9989, 2023.
- Sam Dehaeck, Alexey Y. Rednikov, Alekos Ioannis Garivalis, Paolo Di Marco, Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, Pierre Colinet, Active Role of Vapor Clouds around Evaporating Sessile Droplets in Microgravity: Marangoni Jets and Electroconvection,
Langmuir, 39(27), 9343-9357, 2023.
- Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, Sam Dehaeck, Metin Hatipogullari, Alexey Y Rednikov, Hatim Machrafi, Pierre Colinet, Evaporation from a cylindrical cavity: effect of gravity on the vapour cloud,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 982, A26, 2024.
- Senthil Kumar Parimalanathan, Alexey Y Rednikov, Behle Robin, Gambaryan-Roisman Tatianna, Pierre Colinet, Ground tests for a future space experiment: Evaporation rates through a centimetric square chimney by vapor interferometry and simulation,
Physics of Fluids, 36, 117113, 2024.
Conference publications
- Parimalanathan, Senthil Kumar , Alexey Rednikov, Hatim Machrafi, Adam Chafai, Pierre Colinet, Droplet evaporation studies in microgravity, 26th ESA Symposium on European
Rockets & Balloon, Luzern, Switzerland, 19-23 May 2024.
- Parimalanathan, Senthil Kumar , Hatim Machrafi, Adam Chafai, Alexey Rednikov, Pierre Colinet, Influence of g-jitters on the vapour of an evaporating sessile droplet: masking of Marangoni effect, 11th Conference of the International Marangoni Association, Interfacial Fluid Dynamics and Processes, Bordeaux, France, June 19-23, 2023.
- Parimalanathan, S.K., Rednikov, A., Colinet, P., On the Shapes of Microliter Alcoholic Sessile Droplets in Normal Atmospheric Conditions, 74th Annual Meeting
of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis November 20–22, 2022.
- Esposito, C.,Parimalanathan, S.K., Rednikov, A., Colinet, P., Combined effect of
ambient relative humidity and evaporation on the demixing of a binary mixture, 74th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis November 20–22, 2022.
- Kumar, M.,Parimalanathan, S.K., Rednikov, A., Colinet, P., Wetting Dynamics
of Volatile Hydrofluoroether (HFE) Liquid Droplets, 74th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis November 20–22, 2022.
- Parimalanathan, S.K., Chafaï, A., Machrafi H.,Rednikov, A., Colinet, P., Vapour cloud of an evaporating sessile droplet in microgravity, 27th ELGRA Biennial
Symposium and General Assembly, 06-10 September 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Parimalanathan, S.K., Rednikov, A., Colinet, P., Wetting and evaporation of hygroscopic drops
- Esposito, C.,Parimalanathan, S.K., Rednikov, A., Colinet, P., Humidity effects and phase-seperation in an evaporating binary drops,
- Colinet, P., Parimalanathan, S.K.,Dehaeck, S., Rednikov, A., Controlling the wetting and evaporation dynamics of non-ideal volatile binary solutions,
64th Bulletin of the American Physical Society,2020.
- Parimalanathan, S.K.,Dehaeck, S., Rednikov, A. and Colinet, P., Is humidity a key factor in controlling the wetting and evaporation of a binary sessile drop?,
64th Bulletin of the American Physical Society,2019.
- Senthil Kumar P, Gunamani Nath, V. Raghavan, T. Sundararajan, Burning of Two Arbitrary Sized n-Heptane Droplets Suspended in a Grid Generated Turbulent Jet Flow Field,
11th ASPACC, Sydney, Australia, Dec 10-14, 2017.
- Senthil Kumar P, V. Raghavan, T. Sundararajan, Effect of Turbulence on the Mass Evaporation Rate of an Isolated Suspended Fuel Droplet,
Large Scale Multi-disciplinary Systems of National Significance (LAMSYS), June 2016, at SHAR, Sriharikota.
- Sumit Sarma, Saroj Ray, Senthil Kumar P, V. Raghavan, Dislodging of a water droplet on PMMA and Teflon surfaces,
Large Scale Multi-disciplinary Systems of National Significance (LAMSYS), June 2016, at SHAR, Sriharikota.
- Senthil Kumar P, T. Sundararajan , V. Raghavan, On Unified Mode in Grid Mounted Round Jets ,
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, (Fall) 2015.
- Senthil Kumar P, T. Sundararajan , V. Raghavan, Experimental Study of Burning Characteristics of an Isolated Liquid Fuel Droplet in Grid Generated Turbulent Flow Field,
13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, August 25, 2015.
- Manjunath More, Vishnu Pandey, Senthil Kumar P, Vasudevan Raghavan, Experimental Study of Interference Effects During the Burning of Two Ethanol Droplets Suspended in Side-by-Side Arrangement,
13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, August 25, 2015.
- U S P Shet, K Balakishore, Senthil Kumar P, T Sundararajan, Stability of Premixed Tubular Burner Flame in Horizontal-Configuration with Opposing Air-Flow,
10th ASPACC, Beijing, China, July 13, 2015.
- Senthil Kumar P, U. S. P. Shet, Ajilkumar, T. Sundararajan, A Numerical Study On Performance Characteristics of LPG-Piloted Pulverised-Coal Tubular Gasifier,
37th National and 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Chennai, India, December 16, 2010.
- U S P Shet, P Siva Krishnan, Senthil Kumar P, T Sundararajan, Flame Structure Analysis of Partially Premixed LPG-Air Flames by Digital Image Processing,
10th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Chennai, India, 2009.